By: Emily Hill

Becoming a teaching assistant (TA) might sound like a lot of work, but it is honestly one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in college. You get involved in your department in ways you would not expect, make valuable connections, learn new skills, and get the chance to impact others. Here is why being a TA is worth it:
Build Relationships with Professors
One of the biggest perks of being a TA is the connections you will make with professors. I was able to talk with professors about my future career, class content, and even just life. They became mentors, and you never know when that relationship will come in handy down the road.Â
Time Management Becomes Your Friend
Balancing office hours, attending classes, and keeping up with your own assignments can feel overwhelming at first. But once you get the hang of it, juggling multiple tasks becomes second nature. You will develop solid time management habits and find a balance between completing your own work and helping others succeed.
Grow Your Leadership Skills
When you are helping other students, you learn how to lead. Whether it is guiding them through a tough assignment or answering questions in a study session, you are constantly offering support. You will get better at problem-solving and become a positive influence, especially when students are feeling stressed. It can be extremely rewarding to know that you made a difference in another student’s academic career.Â
All About Communication
As a TA, I did not grade papers, but I spent a lot of time during office hours helping students work through assignments. Whether it was helping someone understand a tough concept or just answering questions, communication was key. You will get better at breaking things down and making things click for others which is a skill that goes way beyond the classroom.
Being a teaching assistant is a great opportunity, and if you get the chance to do it, I highly recommend it. You will gain valuable skills, make connections that last, and have a direct impact on students’ success. It is a little extra work, but the rewards are so worth it. If there is a class that you really enjoy do not hesitate to reach out to your professor! Sometimes the best opportunities are the ones you seek out on your own.