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We Are Almost At the Finish Line: How To End the Semester with a Bang!


Here we are again, roughly two weeks from the end of the semester. Whether you are in the home stretch looking forward to graduating or starting summer vacation, I'm sure most of us are thinking the same thing, "Where has the time gone?" As a graduating senior, I am here to give everyone three tips to implement now to end the semester with a bang and reduce stress during what is arguably the most hectic time of the year.

  1. Write Out All of Your Remaining Assignments: Look through each class syllabus, your Canvas calendar, your email, and any class announcements to find all of your remaining assignments and tasks. Whether it is a small or big assignment, it is so much easier to figure out how to allocate your time when you know exactly how many tasks you have left.

  2. Map Out Your Month: With less than a month left to complete all of your assignments, study for finals, and make time for your social life, it is crucial to plan out each day for the rest of the semester as much as you can. I like to use google calendar to do this. I start by blocking off time for things with a set time/date (classes/work/appointments/etc.). Then I block off time each day to complete my assignments. This part is much easier if you have already written all of your assignments out, as I suggested in tip #1.

  3. Find Time For Yourself: While we all know school comes first, it is also vital to make time for yourself to avoid burnout, especially in the final stretch of the semester. I recommend doing one self-care activity per day. This can be something as small as getting Starbucks before sitting down to work on your assignments or taking a 30-minute study break. While I know it is hard to fit everything in before the end of the semester, I also recommend trying to allocate a night per week where you close your laptop and do something for yourself. You can reach out to that friend who you have been meaning to hang out with and plan a night to grab dinner!

The end of the semester can be super overwhelming, but I hope these three tips help you end the semester with a bang and minimize your stress! Just remember, in 15 days, the semester will be over, and the assignments, emails, and announcements will stop coming in, and we can all enjoy our summer!

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