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Outdoor Escapes in the Harrisonburg Area

Clara Campbell

By: Clara Campbell

It can be easy to get wrapped up in schoolwork and forget to step out of your typical routine, but JMU students should venture out and discover the local scenery that the Harrisonburg area has to offer.

Rawley Springs

Roughly a 20-minute drive from JMU, Rawley Springs is the perfect place to unwind and explore nature. With a creek and lots of trees, it is the perfect place to put up a hammock and read or dip your feet into the water. Put on some waterproof shoes and watch out for those slippery rocks (definitely not speaking from experience..)! 

Storybook Trail

Storybook Trail

Looking for a good view but not interested in a long hike? Storybook Trail is the perfect place to sit and talk with friends or have an incredible picnic any time of year. It is about a half-hour drive from JMU and less than a five-minute walk until you reach the first outlook. Storybook Trail is also the perfect place to catch the sunrise without having to wake up extra early to hike. 

Switzer Lake

If you are looking for a good spot to kayak or go camping, Switzer Lake is the perfect place for you. About a 45-minute drive from campus, Sitzer Lake is one of the most peaceful and beautiful places to spend the night with friends. If you go early enough during the weekends, you can snag a good spot right on the lake to set up your camp.

Shenandoah National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Whether you are looking to go on a nice drive, catch a good sunset, or go on a hike, you can never go wrong with Shenandoah National Park. While you do have to pay for entry, unless you have a Park Pass, it is always worth it to go to SNP. There are countless trails and overlooks in the park and it has something for everyone. 

As your time at JMU flies by, do not forget to take a break from the hustle and immerse yourself in the natural beauty surrounding Harrisonburg. You will not regret it!

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