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How to End the Semester on a Good Note

As we’re winding down to the last few weeks of Spring semester it may seem like the perfect time to kick back and relax. While that may be true for some as they’re preparing to graduate, others are already preparing for next semester. Regardless of where you stand, here are some important tips on how to make sure you are ending your semester on a good note.

1. Ask for help if needed

There are endless amounts of help around you. Whether that’s a friend in class, a professor, tutor, or one of campus’ many resources, there is always someone there to lend a helping hand. Even if it’s just asking a friend to read over a final paper or asking your professor a question about your final project. Seeking help can make all the difference in reaching that grade you’re hoping for.

2. Try not to stress about what you can’t control

I will be the first to say that the last couple of weeks of the semester are stressful. But, overworking yourself and stressing about things you don’t have control over anymore will make you feel even worse. Instead, it is important to take a step back and think about the big picture. Will this really matter in 5 years? Probably not!

3. Staying organized

Although it may feel like it’s time to relax. Not quite yet. Due dates for finals like exams, papers, projects, etc. are coming up fast. It is important to not let these last couple assignments slip by. Get ahead of these dates by writing them down in a planner and make time to ensure you’re prepared for that due date. The more you plan now, the less stressed you will be later.

4. Enjoy your time

For many people these are their last few weeks in the place they love the most. While staying on top of finals is still super important, it is equally as important to make sure you are enjoying your time with those around you. This is also a time to do everything you meant to do in the last four years. Go to that coffee shop, go on that hike, do anything your heart desires. This way when you’re walking across the graduation stage you’ll feel that you made the most of your college experience.

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